-9:45 a.m. Spring syllabus. Of course we may revise this later. To the students applying for M.A. study... Use this as a guideline if you like; unfortunately I can't read the mind of the person composing your entrance examination, so I don't know if she is more or less "up-to-date" than me, or if her taste is just different. I will try to send some additional recommendations, but the one thing that should be obvious is that the Part II of our course contains no theatrical texts. In our edition of the Norton, you have your choice of Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, and Eugene O'Neill. So be sure to read at least one of those plays.
-??? a.m. Ponder implications of the Vazquez/Cabrera trade. Then strategize how we can trade Cabeza de Vaca to acquire one of them in a second trade.
Thanks Aaron!!!