Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gone To Look For America

Maybe I will look here first?

Oh, and nobody wants to waste the summer reading Norton Anthologies, but may I recommend the following?

-Toni Morrison, Beloved (novel)
-David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest (novel)
-Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan (finance/philosophy)
-The Wire (television drama)
-Arrested Development (television comedy)

因為這裡我的招聘者會看, 所以我必須寫這個郵件使用秘密代碼. 我稱之為"中文." 妳們都太火辣和太聰明.(你們也是.)我給妳們我所有的愛和最良好的祝愿美好的生活!


  1. (你們也"是".)

    Norton Anthology? I will!!!!!!
    Gosh we're gonna miss you a whole lot!!!!

    God Bless You~~

  2. Thanks for the translation help... but surely I made more than one mistake?
